To love and serve in the time of corona


Theirs is a story of true love and service.

Glenn Mark Hamili is an Emergency Medical Technician-Nurse who more often than not finds himself within reach of the dangers of COVID-19. Based in a private hospital in Dubai, Glenn transfers patients via an advance life support ambulance to various isolation families and hospitals in Dubai. Glenn and other nurses work tirelessly in ensuring the safety and care of their patients.

Thousands of miles away from him is his wife, Ma. Theresa “Mathet” Masong- Hamili, who used to also work as a nurse along with Mark in Dubai. Ma. Theresa, better known by her camp name Matitoy, returned to Cebu in 2019 to take care of their child. When the pandemic hit the Philippines and Mathet saw the dark effects of the pandemic on both frontliners and the community, she knew she had to do something.

“When the pandemic struck, [I felt] there was something inside of me that I wanted to do – to go back to the hospital [and serve]. But I couldn’t do this because no one could take care of our baby. She doesn’t have a father right now because he’s working abroad, and [should I start working in a hospital again], I’d have to be on quarantine. Sometimes I feel guilty not being able to help, since we need nurses more than ever. So I had to think outside of the box to help others,” shared Mathet.

Working closely with organizations that supported frontliners, Mathet threw herself into the work of making sure that frontliners had enough meals and the right personal protective equipment. She worked with other nurses in raising funds to purchase and deliver PPEs to hospitals for their colleagues in the field.

Glenn, whose camp name is aptly named Medic, also works as a triage nurse in the emergency department when he is not transporting COVID-19 patients. Glenn shares that it was a challenge to carefully isolate suspected COVID-19 patients. To ease the process, their team was able to set up a protocol would help in the isolation process and ensure the safety of all staff.

As frontliners navigate through the rough winds, it’s the support Glenn receives that help him through these uncertain times and enable him to continue to serve.

 “Support in every aspect in our life is one [thing] that helped me get through the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis,” said Glenn. “I am pleased with our team for the professional support they (hospital) provided in our area. I am grateful to my family in the Philippines for the emotional support they provided. The constant communication (shout out to Zoom Video Communications) and [helped] the sense of belongingness since the start of the lockdown in this country. Because of my family, I was able to beat the depression of a frontline worker,” he added.

For Glenn and Mathet, true love knows no distance.

“Being far from my husband who is also in the battlefield challenged me on how to support him. I’ve provided emotional support through constant communication,” said Mathet, who shared the struggles of discrimination and exhaustion her husband had to go through. “Setting aside my personal stress and struggles has helped me to listen to and provide support to nurses, especially my husband.”

Glenn and Mathet are alumni of the youth development programs during the early years of the RAFI Center for Leaders, back then better known as Kool Adventure Camp. Their experience from over a decade ago, has helped them through these challenging times.

“Having met the dragon years back when I was a participant in one of the KAC youth programs has helped me in significant ways. Because of that pamper pole, High-Y and the great climbing wall, I fearlessly am able to face the uncertainty of this pandemic. Initially, everyone was scared about COVID-19. There was no definite system to follow in our department, everyone got flustered as the number of cases increases and everybody is worried with their health and as well as their loved ones. Then I remembered what I learned from one of KAC activities that, “Fear is a successful limiting factor”. That being said, our team then created a plan to be able to continue our purpose in this situation with safety and security on our part,” shared Glenn.

The trust within yourself, your team members and the system is the key to overcome fear, he added.

As he reflects on his work and the life-critical service they provide, it is the trust and sensitivity that everyone offers to each other that helps frontliners like himself in their service.

“Every team member in our department take turns in belaying each other as we face this pandemic every day. This boosted our self-confidence knowing that our team is at your back while we carry out our duties and responsibilities as a healthcare worker,” explained Glenn.

As the threat of COVID-19 remains real, Glenn highlights the importance of sensitivity during these times. Keeping proper social distance and practicing required hand and overall hygiene must be observed at all times.

“Being sensitive to others will help reduce the chance of increasing the number of cases,” stressed Glenn.

Glenn vows to remain at the frontline and provide the critical care and support everyone needs at these times. “Since my camp name is Medic, it is my duty and responsibility to help others and stop spread of this virus in my own little ways,” he said.

At the RAFI Center for Leaders, we continue to celebrate frontliners across the Philippines, and the globe, who continue to share so much of themselves in the service of others. For the month of August, the RAFI Center for Leaders will feature frontline heroes who work tirelessly at the frontlines in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Text by Elisabeth Baumgart; Graphics Edits by Marlon Perilla, RAFI Center for Leaders

The RAFI Center for Leaders provides learning and development programs that equip leaders and enable communities through world-class, safe, powerful learning experiences. The RAFI CFL headquarters are located in the scenic mountains of Balamban, Cebu at the Kool Adventure Camp, the country’s first and fully-dedicated adventure education facility.