January 1, 2024

RAFI, Glory Reborn Partner to Boost Health Education in Cebu Province

RAFI, Glory Reborn Partner to Boost Health Education in Cebu Province

Two organizations that champion mothers and their children have officially formed a partnership to broaden access to maternal and child health care through health education initiatives in Cebu Province. The Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. (RAFI) and Glory Reborn Organization, Inc. have solidified this commitment by signing a memorandum of understanding on February 27, 2024.

This collaboration between RAFI and Glory Reborn is a renewed synergy that will propel forward the ongoing efforts to address critical healthcare needs through holistic, safe and inclusive health education, particularly for expectant mothers and newborns in underserved areas. With the combined expertise, resources, and networks, the partnership hopes to promote maternal and child well-being and reach more communities in Cebu.

In its unwavering mission to foster resilient, vibrant, and thriving communities, RAFI recognizes the critical importance of bolstering healthcare services, particularly for mothers and children. Championing the significance of the first 1,000 days in a child’s life from womb to conception, RAFI remains dedicated to forging alliances with like-minded organizations to ensure accessibility, particularly in underserved areas.

Glory Reborn, a non-profit organization based in Cebu City, has dedicated itself to providing compassionate and comprehensive maternal and newborn care since its inception in 2003. Through its birthing clinic, Glory Reborn has been offering quality healthcare services, education, and support to marginalized women and families.

“This partnership will now be brought to our communities in the Cebu Province. RAFI has been around for the past 57 years and has always been working with the community. For all these years, we have never done anything alone; it is always with partners like you who would help us move not just healthcare but family and something for the mind and heart and hands. And it is something we are very excited about,” said Estee Plunket, RAFI Chief Communications, Advocacy and Partnerships Officer.

Likewise, Hilary Overton, Founder of Glory Reborn, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, ” We’re so honored to be partnering with RAFI for this project as we look forward to health education. […] Health education empowers women, and it builds communities. And that’s what we saw to be true for the past 20 years as we invest in equipping, empowering, educating, we see that there’s a reduction of stigma and more courage to seek health care. Mothers are learning to be able to express themselves in a greater way and ask questions that maybe they wouldn’t have asked. It’s important to build communities together where families feel safe and connected to networks. This is what we’re really excited to continue to do on a greater scale with RAFI and we’re so eager to be able to take this concept of community and build it with other communities within our network. Together we will see Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies and Hopeful Hearts in Cebu.”

The partnership between RAFI and Glory Reborn exemplifies the shared commitment of both organizations to uphold the health and well-being of Cebuano families, contributing to the realization of a vibrant and prosperous community.