Setting up schools for the new normal


AFTER a successful dry run of Carnaza National High School’s (CNHS) Printed Module Instruction Delivery system, the school is busy ensuring all bases are covered for a smooth transition into the new normal of instruction and learning.

With homes having little to none access to internet or electricity, most parents opted for the printed modular learning instruction modality. CNHS served as the pilot implementer of the division for the Printed Modular Instruction Delivery system earlier in July. It was recognized locally and nationally for its successful delivery efforts.

Part of its preparations included working closely with parents and the community to ensure the smooth implementation of the delivery system. During the dry run, the school worked with the Sangguniang Kabataan to help in the distribution and pick-up of Sugbo Learning Boxes to designated drop-off and pick-up points.

During the course of the dry run, teachers and division personnel conducted house-to-house visits and monitored the progress of learners. Teachers were quick to provide support when challenges arose.

“To make the school ready for the school opening, we are currently preparing all the modules, teacher’s home tasks and other instructional materials to complete the learning packets for the Sugbo Learning Boxes,” shared School Head Rafael Beloria. He added that health protocols were also set to ensure the safety of teachers and parents.

Printing and the production of the Sugbo Learning Boxes remain a herculean task. A lot of work goes into the preparation of modules, printing and reproduction, and setting up of the learning boxes. The school continues to actively look for community support in covering their printing and production needs.

While the school works tirelessly in making sure that all materials and systems are in place as the school year officially opens in a few weeks’ time, they also work closely with parents to make sure they are ready to provide instructional support when needed at home.

“Orientation of parents/home tutors has also been done to make them aware of their roles and responsibilities while providing instructional support at home,” said Beloria.

As a lot of work still remains to be done, teachers from CNHS remain committed to ensuring that no learner gets left behind. Their commitment towards their learners has helped them discover innovative solutions to address challenges.

“My commitment to my job has helped me to face all the challenges.  My desire to help other people has pushed me to find ways with the help of the school’s internal and external stakeholders in order to continue the delivery of education despite of the pandemic we are facing today,” said Beloria.

Working closely with their immediately community and stakeholders has helped the school in its preparations for the school year. By engaging local purok, barangay, and municipal leaders, the school was able to set up appropriate systems to help facilitate the speedy set-up of their distance learning process. Engaging private stakeholders and actively looking for partnerships are critical in helping source materials and resources for the school.

His experience with the RAFI Center for Leaders has helped him thrive through these extraordinary times, shared Beloria. “The idea of team building has helped me a lot. Indeed, my experiences in KAC have of great impact in pushing me to achieve my goals,” he said.

For the month of September, the RAFI Center for Leaders honors our teachers in celebration of National Teachers’ Month. We recognize the dedication they put into their work in taking care of and teaching our young learners.

Text by Elisabeth Baumgart; Graphics Edit Marlon Perilla, RAFI Center for Leaders

The RAFI Center for Leaders provides learning and development programs that equip leaders and enable communities through world-class, safe, powerful learning experiences. The RAFI CFL headquarters are located in the scenic mountains of Balamban, Cebu at the Kool Adventure Camp, the country’s first and fully-dedicated adventure education facility.