At least 11 local government units from all over the Province of Cebu shared their best practices in development during the DevTalks 2018; the annual partners’ conference of the Our Cebu Program, where different best practices in the areas of livability, green, resiliency, inclusiveness and competitiveness, governance, and culture and heritage were featured during the event.
The DevTalks Forum, which had its third annual run, is a convergence of development practitioners from both the local government units and civil society sector.
In 2018, the forum primarily promotes sharing of best practices among local government units in the utilization of the OCP scorecard through video documentation and highlights the journey of the Our Cebu Program which will celebrate its 10th year anniversary in 2019.
Listed below are the municipalities with their corresponding attributes.
For the attribute of livability:
• Municipality of Alegria — organic farming
• Municipality of Barili — community-based health programs
• Municipality of Dalaguete — municipality-based poverty reduction program
• Municipality of Tudela — organic pig farming and meat butchering practices
For the attribute of inclusiveness and competitiveness:
• City of Bogo — participatory micro-business models
• Municipality of Pinamungajan — community-based sustainable tourism models
For the attribute of green:
• Municipality of Tuburan — coffee-growing program which provides an alternative livelihood for former charcoal-making farmers
For the attribute of governance:
• Municipality of Poro — participatory governance and their purok system
For the attribute of resiliency:
• Municipality of Medellin — appointing DRR focal persons within each barangay
• Municipality of San Fernando — practice on capacitating elementary and high school students to be disaster-prepared
For the attribute of culture and heritage:
• Municipality of Argao — forming a municipal culture and heritage commission to preserve their traditions and historical buildings; partnering with the academe to help the tradition of hablon-weaving thrive
Representatives from each of the featured local government units served as panelists, including department heads from the Province of Cebu to further discuss in depth the accomplishments of each of the LGU and the challenges they have encountered during project implementation.
Audience members were able to join the conversation and ask questions through the use of social media.
The Devtalks 2018 Forum culminated with the Province of Cebu’s awarding ceremony for the Our Cebu Program which recognized the performance of local government units in relation to the Our Cebu scorecard.
The Integrated Area Development Program of the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. (RAFI-IAD) provides Local Government Units (LGUs) with technical assistance towards socioeconomic development.